Annotation Interface GLRoutePoint.Type

Enclosing class:

@Retention(SOURCE) public static @interface GLRoutePoint.Type
Route point types to describe the behavior of navigation waypoints. More details at valhalla documentation
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    A `break` is a location at which we allows u-turns and generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers.
    static final int
    A `break_through` location is a location at which we do not allow u-turns but do generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers.
    static final int
    A `through` location is a location at which we neither allow u-turns nor generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers.
    static final int
    A `via` location is a location at which we allow u-turns but do not generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers.
  • Field Details

    • BREAK

      static final int BREAK
      A `break` is a location at which we allows u-turns and generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers.
      See Also:

      static final int THROUGH
      A `through` location is a location at which we neither allow u-turns nor generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers.
      See Also:
    • VIA

      static final int VIA
      A `via` location is a location at which we allow u-turns but do not generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers.
      See Also:

      static final int BREAK_THROUGH
      A `break_through` location is a location at which we do not allow u-turns but do generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers.
      See Also: