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add(double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Add x and y
add(GLMapDrawObject) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Adds a GLMapDrawObject to the map.
add(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Add x and y of other point
addBBox(GLMapBBox) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Join this bbox with given
AddDataSet(int, GLMapBBox, String, AssetManager, GLMapManager.ProgressCallback) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Adds vector map.
addExcludeLocation(GLRoutePoint) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
A location to exclude or avoid
addExcludePolygon(MapGeoPoint[]) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Roads intersecting this polygon will be avoided during path finding.
addFilter(GLSearchFilter) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Adds filter to search.
addManeuver(int, MapPoint[], float[]) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteBuilder
Adds a maneuver to the route.
addPoint(double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Add point to bbox
addPoint(long, double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Adds point to list
addPoint(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Add point to bbox
addPoint(GLRoutePoint) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Adds point
ADDRESS - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.TagSetMask
Address tags
addStateListener(GLMapManager.StateListener) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Subscribes listener to events about map downloading progress.
addStyle(GLMapMarkerImage) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Adds new style to collection
addStyle(GLMapMarkerImage[]) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Adds new style to collection
addStyle(GLMapMarkerImage[], GLMapVectorStyle, Point) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Adds new style to collection
addStyle(GLMapMarkerImage, GLMapVectorStyle, Point) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Adds new style to collection
addTag(String) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Adds tag to search filter
addTagHash(int) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Adds tag using it's hash Tag hashes could be found in vector object returned from search or found on map
addTags(List<String>) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Adds additional tags to search filter
addTextForbiddenArea(int, MapPoint, int, int, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Adds or updates area where text (and associated icon) must not draw
All - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject.Type
Represents all types
ALL - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSetMask
All data sets maks
ALL - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.AddressStyle
All address information
ALL - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.TagSetMask
All Tags
alleyFactor - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A factor that modifies (multiplies) the cost when alleys are encountered.
ALT_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.TagSetMask
Alt name tags
animate(GLMapViewRenderer.AnimateCallback) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Create and starts animation using provided callback
animate(GLMapViewRenderer.AnimateCallback, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Create and starts animation using provided callback
apply(int, int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapVectorCascadeStyle.TintFunction
Apply tint for color
asGeoJSON() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Serialize object as GeoJSON
asJSON() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
Serialize object as GeoJSON
assign(double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Set x and y and return this
assign(double, double, double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Initialize bbox with data
assign(MapGeoPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Copies data from other point
assign(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Copies data from given point
attachedView - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
View where this render is attached
attachToSurfaceView(SurfaceView) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Attach renderer to surface view
attachToTextureView(TextureView) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Attach renderer to texture view
Auto() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Auto
Empty constructor
AUTO - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
avoidBadSurfaces - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
This value is meant to represent how much a cyclist wants to avoid roads with poor surfaces relative to the bicycle type being used.
axleCount - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
The axle count of the truck.
axleLoad - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
The axle load of the truck (in metric tons).


bboxForSegment(double) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Calculates the bounding box of a route segment from the last location.
bearingAngle(MapGeoPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Calculates bearing angle to points
Becomes - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Maneuver where the road becomes another road
Bicycle() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
Empty constructor
BICYCLE - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
bicycleType - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
The type of bicycle.
BIKESHARE - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
bikeTypeFromString(String) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Converts string representation of BikeType to it's value
bikeTypeToString(int) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Converts BikeType to it's string representation
bitmap - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerImage
bitmapForTilePos(int, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Gets bitmap of tile.
Bottom - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapTextAlignment
BottomCenter - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement
bottom center
BottomLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement
bottom left corner
BottomRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement
in bottom right corner
BREAK - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint.Type
A `break` is a location at which we allows u-turns and generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers.
BREAK_THROUGH - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint.Type
A `break_through` location is a location at which we do not allow u-turns but do generate legs and arrival/departure maneuvers.
bssRentCost - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This value is useful when bikeshare is chosen as travel mode.
bssRentPenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This value is useful when bikeshare is chosen as travel mode.
bssReturnCost - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
This value is useful when bikeshare is chosen as travel mode.
bssReturnPenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
This value is useful when bikeshare is chosen as travel mode.
build() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteBuilder
Finalizes the route construction and validates it.
BUS - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode


cacheSize() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Returns size of cache database
CacheTiles(long[], GLMapManager.TileDownloadProgress) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
calculateLength() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Calculate length of track
cancel() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
Cancels task.
cancel() - Method in class globus.glmap.NetworkTask
Cancels task
cancel() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Cancels search operation.
cancel(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Cancels animation
cancel(long) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Cancels request that was started
CancelDownloadTask(long) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Cancel download task by id
cancelled - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
True if task is cancelled.
cancelMapAnimations() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Cancels all active animations on the map.
cancelRequest(long) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation
Cancels request that was started
captureFrameWhenFinish(GLMapViewRenderer.ScreenCaptureCallback) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Captures frame when surface will be created and loading of resources finished.
center() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Center of bbox
Center - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapTextAlignment
changeDrawOrder(GLMapDrawObject, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Changes the draw order of the specified GLMapDrawObject.
changeStyle(GLMapMarkerStyleCollection) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Change style of layer
childrenUri - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
The URI for accessing the children of the current storage object.
clear() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Reset bbox to empty
closureFactor - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
A factor that penalizes the cost when traversing a closed edge (eg: if search_filter.exclude_closures is false for origin and/or destination location and the route starts/ends on closed edges).
cluster(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Cluster array with radius
Collate(long, String, String) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Compare to string with collator
compare(GLMapVectorObject) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Compare objects for sorting
contains(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPointSet
Checks if point with given coordinates exists in set.
Continue - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Continue maneuver
convertDisplayDeltaToInternal(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Converts a distance between two points on the screen to delta in internal format of GLMapView.
convertDisplayDeltaToInternal(MapPoint, double, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Converts a distance between two points on the screen to delta in internal format of GLMapView.
convertDisplayToInternal(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Converts a point on the surface to an internal map coordinate.
convertInternalToDisplay(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Converts a point in internal format of GLMapView to point on the surface of view.
convertMetersToInternal(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Converts meters distance to internal distance
copyProperties(GLMapTagsContainer) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
copyProperties(GLMapTagsContainer) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTagsContainer
Copies all properties from another tags container object.
copyProperties(GLMapTagsContainer) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
copyTrackAndAddGeoPoint(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Copies points to new track and add new point to track.
copyTrackAndAddPoint(double, double, int, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Copies points to new track and add new point to track.
CostingOptions - Class in globus.glroute
Costing options
CostingOptions.Auto - Class in globus.glroute
Options for auto, bus, taxi mode
CostingOptions.Bicycle - Class in globus.glroute
Options for bicycle mode
CostingOptions.Motorcycle - Class in globus.glroute
Options for motorcycle mode
CostingOptions.MotorScooter - Class in globus.glroute
Options for motor scooter mode
CostingOptions.Pedestrian - Class in globus.glroute
Options for pedestrian mode
CostingOptions.Penalties - Class in globus.glroute
General penalties
CostingOptions.Road - Class in globus.glroute
General options when driving on road
CostingOptions.Straight - Class in globus.glroute
Options for straight mode
CostingOptions.Truck - Class in globus.glroute
Options for truck mode
CostingOptions.Vehicle - Class in globus.glroute
Options for vehicle
COUNT - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSet
Count of data sets
countryCrossingCost - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
A cost applied when encountering an international border.
countryCrossingPenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
A penalty applied for a country crossing.
crashNDK() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Function to test native crashes
crashNDK2() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Function to test native crashes
CreateCollator() - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Creates ICU collator with strength set to Primary.
CreateFromGeoCoordinates(double, double) - Static method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Creates map point from geo coordinates
createFromGeoJSONOrError(String) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Creates an array of GLMapVectorObject from string
createFromGeoJSONOrThrow(String) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Create objects from geo-json string throws if error happens
createFromGeoJSONStreamOrError(InputStream) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Creates an array of GLMapVectorObject from stream
createFromGeoJSONStreamOrThrow(InputStream) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Create objects from geo-json stream
createFromJSONOrError(String) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
Creates an array of GLMapVectorObject from string
createGeoLine(MapGeoPoint, MapGeoPoint, double) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Adds big circle line from `start` to `end`.
createGeoPoint(MapGeoPoint) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Create vector object with point geometry
createMultiline(MapPoint[][]) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Loads multiline geometry to vector object
createMultilineGeo(MapGeoPoint[][]) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Creates vector object with multiline geometry
CreateNumericCollator() - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Creates ICU collator with strength set to Primary and numeric collation is ON.
createPoint(MapPoint) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Loads point to vector object
createPolygon(MapPoint[][], MapPoint[][]) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Loads polygon geometry to vector object.
createPolygonGeo(MapGeoPoint[][], MapGeoPoint[][]) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Creates vector object with polygon geometry
createStyle(String) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorCascadeStyle
Creates cascade style object.
createStyle(String) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Creates style object.
createWithCategory(GLSearchCategory) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Creates new filter to search objects from category
createWithIconAndTint(String, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Creates style with icon and tint
createWithQuery(String) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Creates new filter to search objects with string "query".
createWithQuery(String, int) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Creates new filter to search objects with string "query" inside tags sets
createWithQueryAndTag(String, String) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Creates new filter to search objects with string "query" for key
CROSS - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.BikeType
Custom - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable.TransformMode
Scale and offset of vector object will be applied to it's points
cyclingSpeed - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
Cycling speed is the average travel speed along smooth, flat roads.


dataSet - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
DataSet of task
dataSetsWithState(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Checks states of all data sets.
decelerate(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Defines the scrolling speed at the end of map scrolling movement.
delete() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
delete() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
delete() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Deletes this file.
DeleteDataSets(GLMapInfo, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Delete data sets associated with this map.
deserializeState(int, byte[], AssetManager) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Restore state of data set
Destination - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Destination maneuver
DestinationLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Destination maneuver turning left
DestinationRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Destination maneuver turning right
DestroyCollator(long) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Destroy collator
DestroyWords(long) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Destroy native object returned by GLSearch#PrepareWords(long, String[]).
didPassPoint(MapGeoPoint, double) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Checks if user pass the point
didPassRoute(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Checks if user pass the route
disableClipping() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Disables clipping of visible map area
DisableOpenGLBackgroundLoading() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Call this function before creating GLMapView to disable background loading of resources.
dispose() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTextureView
Call this method when object does not needed.
dispose() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapView
Call this method when object does not needed.
dispose() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
dispose() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLNativeObject
Call this method when object does not needed.
distance(double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Calculates distance to point
distance(double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Return distance to point
distance(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Returns distance from bbox to point
distance(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Return distance to point
distanceToGeoPoint(MapGeoPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Calculates distance to point
distanceToMapBorders(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Calculates distance from the map borders to the point
distanceToPoint(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Calculates distance to point
doWhenSurfaceCreated(Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Runs command on internal rendering thread.
DownloadDataSet(int, String, GLMapBBox, GLMapManager.DownloadCallback) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Downloads custom data set
DownloadDataSet(GLMapInfo, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Creates map downloading tasks
DownloadDataSets(GLMapInfo, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Creates map downloading tasks
downloaded - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
Downloaded number of bytes
DOWNLOADED - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.State
downloaded and ready to use
drawAttributes - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Draw attributes of object.
drivewayFactor - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A factor that modifies (multiplies) the cost when encountering a driveway, which is often a private, service road.
dropCache() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Drops cached tiles


EACCES - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Access error
EaseIn - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Ease in transition
EaseInOut - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Ease in-out transition
EaseOut - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Ease out transition
EBUSY - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Resource is busy
ECANCELED - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
EEXIST - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Already exists
EILSEQ - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Illegal sequence
ELEVATION - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSet
Elevation data
ELEVATION - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSetMask
Elevation mask
ElevationAtPoint(double, double) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Returns elevation at given point
ElevationAtPointAsync(double, double, GLMapManager.ElevationCallback) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Asynchronous request of elevation
Empty - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Error information is not set
EMPTY - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.TagSetMask
enableClipping(GLMapBBox, float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Enables clipping of the visible map area using the specified bounding box (BBox) and zoom levels.
ENOMEM - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Not enough memory
ENOSPC - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Bot enough space
EPERM - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Permissions error
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapValue
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
equals(Object) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
EROFS - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Read only file system
error - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
Error of task.
EXACT - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.MatchType
Whole phrase is equal to query
excludeCashOnlyTolls - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
A boolean value which indicates the desire to avoid routes with cash-only tolls.
excludeUnpaved - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
This value indicates whether or not the path may include unpaved roads.
ExitLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Exit to the left
ExitRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Exit to the right


ferryCost - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
A cost applied when entering a ferry.
FerryEnter - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Enter ferry
FerryExit - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Exit ferry
file - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
The file used for storage.
file - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
The file represented by this FileInfo.
fillData(int, long) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData.PointsCallback
Fill point data
fillData(Object, long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollectionDataCallback
Called for each marker to set other properties
fillObjectCategory(GLMapVectorObject) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
Fills category information for vector object using it's tags
fillUnionData(int, long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollectionDataCallback
Called for each cluster to fill it's data.
find(String, String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Returns first object that have `tag` set to `value`
findByIconName(String) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategories
Finds a category by its icon name.
findByName(String) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategories
Finds a category by its name.
findFile(String, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
findFile(String, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
findFile(String, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Searches file with given name
findInsertionIndex(MapPoint, MapPoint[]) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Finds the index where the given point should be inserted into an array of reference points.
FindNearestMap(GLMapInfo[], MapPoint) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Helper function iterates over maps param and returns closest GLMapInfo to the given point.
findNearestPoint(GLMapViewRenderer, MapPoint, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Calculates nearest point on track from given point
findNearestPoint(GLMapViewRenderer, MapPoint, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Calculates nearest point of vector object from given point
findNearPoint(long, long, GLMapViewRenderer, MapPoint, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Returns object that is near point.
findSibling(String, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Finds a file with the specified name in the same folder.
findStorage(String, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
findStorage(String, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
findStorage(String, boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Opens new storage inside this storage (folder)
findStorageRecursive(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Opens new storage with path
FindWords(long, String, long) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Split string into words.
finish() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Finish parsing
fixedSpeed - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
Fixed speed the vehicle can go.
flyTo(double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Moves to new center with animation optimized for long distances.
flyToGeoPoint(MapGeoPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Moves to new center with animation optimized for long distances.
flyToPoint(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Moves to new center with animation optimized for long distances.
ForceOpenGL2() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
After calling this function any new GLMapView will use OpenGL 2.0 even if device supports OpenGL 3.0 Some cheap Android devices have problems with drivers.


gateCost - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
A cost applied when a gate with undefined or private access is encountered.
gatePenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
A penalty applied when a gate with no access information is on the road.
get(long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Returns object at the index
GetAddress(GLMapVectorObject, int, GLMapLocaleSettings) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Returns address with given style
getAllIconNames() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorCascadeStyle
Returns all "icon-image" from style
getAllOptions() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
All options for @if tests found while parsing.
getAlternates() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Alternative routes
getAlternates() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Get number of alternates
getAngle() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Angle of image
getApproachAlert(String, double) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Adds 'In `distance` `units` ' before instruction
getAsStorage() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
getAsStorage() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
getAsStorage() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Returns this file as a storage
getBase() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the base tile source that was previously set.
getBBox() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Retrurns bbox of track
getBBox() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Retrieves the bounding box of this vector object.
getBBox() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Calculates bbox of all objects in list
getBBox() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the bounding box (BBox) of the currently visible part of the GLMapView.
getBBoxWithInsets(int, int, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the bounding box (BBox) of the visible part of the GLMapView with applied insets.
getBearingAngleOnRoute() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns bearing angle of current route segment
getByteCount() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Size of internal data of GLMapTrackData.
getCenterTileState() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Return state of center tile
GetChildMaps() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Retrieves an array of maps, including all submaps associated with them.
getChilds() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
Retrieves the child categories of this category.
getCurrentMapCenter(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets current coordinates of the origin point of the map.
getCurrentMapScale() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets current scale of the map.
getCurrentMapZoom() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets current zoom level of the map.
getCurrentRoute() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns index of current route
getCurrentTargetPointIndex() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Index of current target point
getCustomObjectCategory(Object) - Method in interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.CustomObjectInfoCallback
Category of custom object
getCustomObjectLocation(Object) - Method in interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.CustomObjectInfoCallback
Location of custom object
getDetailsDescription() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Retrieves the resolved value of the 'details-description' attribute.
getDetailsText() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Retrieves the resolved value of the 'details-text' attribute.
getDistanceFromRoute() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns distance from route to user location
getDistanceToLastPoint() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns distance to the last point of route
getDistanceToNextManeuver() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns distance to the next maneuver
GetDownloadedMapsCount() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Retrieves the number of maps that have any downloaded data.
getDownloadTask(long, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Returns download tasks for maps
getDownloadTasks(long, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Returns download tasks for maps
getDrawElevationLines() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the visibility state of elevation lines.
getDrawHillshades() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the visibility state of hill shades.
getDrawOrder() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawObject
Returns draw order of object
getDrawSlopes() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the visibility state of slopes.
getDuration() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns estimated duration of the track
getDurationOfLeg(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns duration of leg
getEndPoint() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Start point of maneuver
getEqualLength(GLRouteManeuver) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Calculates equal length with other maneuver
getError() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Error happened while parsing
getErrorCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Retrieves the error code associated with the current error.
getErrorDomain() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Retrieves the name of the error domain, similar to the iOS version of the framework.
getFirstManeuver() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns last maneuver in route
getFlingSpeedGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Minimal speed to trigger fling event Default implementation returns 400
getFlingTimeGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
If last move event was older that returned value no fling events will be triggered Default implementation returns 100000000
getFontScale() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the current font scale.
getFps() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Returns fps
getFreeSpace() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
getFreeSpace() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
getFreeSpace() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Returns free space in storage
getHeight() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Loaded image height.
getHeightData() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns height data that was previously requested for this route
getIconName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Retrieves the resolved value of the 'icon-image' attribute.
getIconName() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
Retrieves the icon name of the category.
getIconScale() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Retrieves the resolved value of the 'icon-scale' attribute.
getIconTint() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Retrieves the resolved value of the 'icon-tint' attribute.
getImageIndex(int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Return variant of image to use
getImagePos(int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Return location of image on map
getImagesCount() - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Return total number of images that will be displayed by image group
getImageVariantBitmap(int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Return bitmap to use for given variant of image
getImageVariantOffset(int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Return offset to use for given variant of image
getImageVariantsCount() - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Return number of unique images which will be used by image group
getInstruction(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Get instruction
getJson() - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions
Serialize object to json string
getJson() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Retrieves the JSON request that will be sent to Valhalla.
getLanguage() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns language of instructions
getLastManeuver() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns last maneuver in route
getLastModified() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
getLastModified() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
getLastModified() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Returns the last modified timestamp of the file.
getLat() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the latitude of the map's center.
getLength() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
getLength() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
getLength() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Returns the size of the file in bytes.
getLength() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns total length of the track
getLength() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Maneuver length in meters
getLengthOfLeg(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns length of leg
getLocale() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Retrieves the locale used for route instructions.
getLocaleSettings() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the previously set locale settings.
getLocalizedName(GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the localized name of the map based on the given locale settings.
getLocation(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollectionDataCallback
Called for each marker to set it's location
getLocationOnRoute() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns location of user at route
getLon() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the longitude of the map's center.
getLongPressDuration() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Time to trigger long press Default implementation returns 500000000
getManeuvers() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns all maneuvers of route
getMapAngle() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets current angle of the map.
getMapCenter() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the coordinates of the center point of the map.
getMapCenter(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets coordinates of the origin point of the map.
getMapDownloadTasks() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Retrieves a list of active map download tasks that have been created but not yet finished.
getMapGeoCenter() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the coordinates of the center point of the map.
getMapID() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the unique ID of the map.
getMapOrigin() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the origin point of the map coordinate system.
getMapOrigin(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the origin point of the map coordinate system and fills the provided MapPoint object with its values.
getMapPitch() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets current pitch of the map.
getMaps() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the array of sub-maps within this collection.
GetMaps() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Retrieves an array of all available maps.
getMapScale() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets scale of the map.
GetMapWithID(long) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Retrieves the map information for a specific map by its ID.
getMapZoom() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Get zoom level of the map.
getMax() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation
Maximum value
getMaxScale() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Gets maximum scale of the map
getMaxTapsToDetect(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Maximum taps to detect for given number of touches Default implementation return 2 for 1 touch and 1 for others
getMin() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation
Minimal value
getMode() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Retrieves the mode of the route.
getMultilineGeoPoints() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Retrieves the geo-referenced points of a multiline for an object whose type is GLMapVectorObject.Type.Line.
getMultilinePoints() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Retrieves the points of a multiline for an object whose type is GLMapVectorObject.Type.Line.
getMultiTapTimeGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Time between taps Default implementation returns 350000000
getName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
getName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
getName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
getName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
getName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Gets name of storage
getName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Gets the name of this file.
getNextManeuver(GLRouteManeuver) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns next maneuver that goes after the given maneuver
getNextShortInstruction(GLRouteManeuver) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Retrieves the first non-empty short instruction starting from the specified maneuver to the end of the route.
getNumber() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapValue
Returns number value
getNumberOfLegs() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns number of legs
getNumberOfTargetPoints() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns number of target points
getNumberOfTouches() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Returns number of active touches
getOffset() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Offset of image
getOpacity() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Returns opacity of layer.
getOptimize() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Retrieves the current value of the optimize setting.
getOverlays() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Retrieves the overlay tile sources that were previously set.
getParent() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
getParent() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
getParent() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Gets name of storage
getParent() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
Retrieves the parent category of this category.
getPath() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
getPath() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
getPath() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Gets the full path of this storage.
getPath() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Gets the full path of this file.
getPitchYDeltaGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Pitch events disabled if y distance between fingers is more then return value.
getPolygons() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Return polygons with borders of map
getPosition() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Position of image
getPreviousManeuver(GLRouteManeuver) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns previous maneuver that goes before the given maneuver
getProgressIndex() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns progress index of route
getRefObject() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
Retrieves the reference object that matches this category.
getRemainingDistance() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns remaining distance of the route
getRemainingDuration() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns remaining time to the end of the route
getRotationGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Rotation starts when user rotates two fingers for more than returned value Default implementation returns 10
getRotationResetGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Rotation resets if user rotates for angle less then gate
getRoundaboutExitCount() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
The spoke to exit roundabout after entering.
getScale() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Scale of vector object
GetSearchCategory(GLMapVectorObject) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Detects category for vector object
getShared() - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategories
Shared categories.
getShortInstruction() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Short instruction for UI.
getSizeOnDisk(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the size of the data sets stored on disk for the specified data set mask.
getSizeOnServer(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the size of the compressed data sets available on the server for the specified data set mask.
getSpanned(Object, Object, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapValue
Returns spannable text value
getStartedWith(String[], GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategories
Finds categories that start with the given words.
getStartPoint() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Start point of maneuver
getState(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the state of the specified data set.
getStorage() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
getStorage() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
getStorage() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Returns the storage that contains this file.
getString() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapValue
Returns plain text value
getTapDistanceGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Tap events disabled if movement of more then returned value is detected Default implementation returns 10
getTapZoomGate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Tap events disabled if zoom of more than returned value is detected Default implementation returns 1.01f
getTargetPoint(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns target point
getTempSize(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Retrieves the size of temporary download data for the specified data set mask.
getText() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Retrieves the resolved value of the 'text' attribute.
getTextStyleSubset() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorStyle
Retrieves a subset of parameters that define only the text style.
GetTileDownloadingAllowed() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Indicates whether tile downloading is currently allowed.
GetTileRefreshInterval() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Retrieves the current refresh interval for cached tiles.
getTileSize() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Returns size of tile in points.
getTime() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Estimated time along the maneuver in seconds.
getTop() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategories
Retrieves the top-level categories.
getTouchX(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Returns x coordinate of the touch
getTouchY(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Returns y coordinate of the touch
getTrackCoordinates() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns track coordinates in pairs (x, y) If track contains several lines - (-1, -1) split one segment from other
getTrackData(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Returns track data that can be used to display track of route
getTracks(GLMapBBox) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTrackLayer.DataCallback
Called to get tracks data for given bbox
getTransitionInstruction() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Text for use in UI.
getType() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Retrieves the type of this vector object.
getType() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Type of the maneuver see Valhalla API reference for details
getUnitSystem() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Retrieves the unit system used for route instructions.
getValidLanguages() - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings
List of languages stored inside map data and supported by framework
getVerbalPostTransitionInstruction() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Text suitable for use as a verbal message immediately after the maneuver transition.
getVerbalPreTransitionInstruction() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Text suitable for use as a verbal message immediately prior to the maneuver transition.
getVerbalTransitionInstruction() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver
Text suitable for use as a verbal alert in a navigation application.
getVFSName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
getVFSName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
getVFSName() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Gets the VFS (Virtual File System) name of this file.
getWidth() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Loaded image width.
GLMapAnimation - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapAnimation defines animation of objects parameters that will be executed synchronously.
GLMapAnimation() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Default constructor
GLMapAnimation.TransitionType - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Type of transition
GLMapBalloon - Class in globus.glmap
Drawable that displays text in balloon.
GLMapBalloon(int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapBalloon
Creates new empty image with given draw order
GLMapBBox - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapBBox defines some rectangular area of map
GLMapBBox() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Default constructor.
GLMapBBox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Initialize bbox with given data
GLMapBBox(GLMapBBox) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Copy constructor
GLMapDocumentTreeStorage - Class in globus.glmap
Storage implementation for document tree.
GLMapDocumentTreeStorage(ContentResolver, Uri) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
Constructs a GLMapDocumentTreeStorage object for the specified content resolver and tree URI.
GLMapDocumentTreeStorage(ContentResolver, Uri, Uri, GLMapDocumentTreeStorage) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
Constructs a GLMapDocumentTreeStorage object with a parent storage.
GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo - Class in globus.glmap
The FileInfo class represents a file in the GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.
GLMapDownloadTask - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapDownloadTask downloads map and extracts it at the same time
GLMapDrawable - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapDrawable is a bridge class that displays single object on map.
GLMapDrawable.TransformMode - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Determines how to use scale and offset of drawable
GLMapDrawObject - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapDrawObject is a base class for GLMapDrawable, GLMapTrack, GLMapMarkerLayer, GLMapImageGroup
GLMapError - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapError contains information about error and it's origin.
GLMapFileStorage - Class in globus.glmap
The GLMapFileStorage class provides an implementation of GLMapStorage that uses the file system for storage.
GLMapFileStorage(File) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
Constructs a GLMapFileStorage object for the specified file.
GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo - Class in globus.glmap
The FileInfo class represents a file in the GLMapFileStorage.
GLMapGesturesDetector - Class in globus.glmap
Detector of gestures for map view
GLMapGesturesDetector(GLMapViewRenderer, Handler) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Default constructor
GLMapImage - Class in globus.glmap
Drawable with image
GLMapImage() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapImage
Creates new empty image that will be injected to map
GLMapImage(int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapImage
Creates new empty image with given draw order
GLMapImageGroup - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapImageGroup is a bridge class, to work with GLMap internal representation of image group.
GLMapImageGroup(GLMapImageGroupCallback, int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroup
Initializes group with callback and drawOrder
GLMapImageGroupCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
GLMapImageGroupCallback tells image group about it's contents.
GLMapInfo - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapInfo is information object about an offline map.
GLMapInfo.DataSet - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Resource associated with map
GLMapInfo.DataSetMask - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Mask for data sets
GLMapInfo.State - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
State of map resource
GLMapLabel - Class in globus.glmap
Drawable with text
GLMapLabel() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapLabel
Creates new empty image that will be injected to map
GLMapLabel(int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapLabel
Creates new empty image with given draw order
GLMapLocaleSettings - Class in globus.glmap
`GLMapLocaleSettings` sets language order to all `GLMapView` objects Following map languages is included in vector map data: native - native language for country or region ar - Arabic be - Belarusian cs - Czech da - Danish de - German en - English es - Spanish fr - French it - Italian ja - Japanese ko - Korean nl - Dutch pl - Polish pt - Portuguese ru - Russian sv - Swedish uk - Ukrainian zh - Chinese Check [Multilingual names in OpenStreetMap]( for more information.
GLMapLocaleSettings() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings
Default constructor set order of languages to [Locale.getDefault(), "native", GLUnitSystem.International]
GLMapLocaleSettings(String[], int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings
Constructor with defined order of languages
GLMapLocaleSettings.UnitSystem - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Unit system
GLMapManager - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapManager is a singleton object that manages offline maps
GLMapManager.DownloadCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Callbacks for download task
GLMapManager.ElevationCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Callback for elevation query
GLMapManager.MapListUpdateCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Callback for map list update
GLMapManager.ProgressCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Called to notify about GLMapManager initialization progress updates
GLMapManager.StateListener - Interface in globus.glmap
Callbacks for map state
GLMapManager.TileDownloadProgress - Interface in globus.glmap
Callbacks for bulk tile operation
GLMapMarkerImage - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapMarkerImage holds information of image used by GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
GLMapMarkerImage(String, Bitmap) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerImage
Default constructor
GLMapMarkerImage(String, Bitmap, Point) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerImage
Constructor with offset
GLMapMarkerLayer - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapMarkerLayer displays a markers with given style.
GLMapMarkerLayer(GLMapVectorObjectList, GLMapVectorCascadeStyle, GLMapMarkerStyleCollection, double, int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Initializes GLMapMarkerLayer with given vector objects and `style`
GLMapMarkerLayer(Object[], GLMapMarkerStyleCollection, double, int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Initializes GLMapMarkerLayer with given markers and `styleCollection`
GLMapMarkerStyleCollection - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapMarkerStyleCollection holds collection of styles, used to draw marker layer.
GLMapMarkerStyleCollection() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Default constructor
GLMapMarkerStyleCollectionDataCallback - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapMarkerStyleCollectionDataCallback is called for each marker or cluster to get display data
GLMapRasterTileSource - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapRasterTileSource setups custom raster tile source.
GLMapRasterTileSource(GLMapStorageFile) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Default constructor of GLMapRasterTileSource
GLMapRelation - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapRelation is a bridge class, to work with GLMap internal representation of relation.
GLMapScaleRuler - Class in globus.glmap
Draws scale ruler on screen
GLMapScaleRuler(int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapScaleRuler
Default constructor
GLMapStorage - Class in globus.glmap
Interface for storage of data
GLMapStorageFile - Class in globus.glmap
Abstract class representing a file in storage.
GLMapStyleParser - Class in globus.glmap
`GLMapStyleParser` is class to parse style and analyze result of parsing
GLMapStyleParser() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Initialize parser without resources
GLMapStyleParser(AssetManager, String) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Initialize parser with resources stored in assetManager with base path
GLMapStyleParser(GLMapStyleParser.ResourceLoadCallback) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Initialize parser with resource block
GLMapStyleParser.ResourceLoadCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Called when GLMapView need to load some image
GLMapTagsContainer - Interface in globus.glmap
GLMapTagsContainer interface for objects that contains tags
GLMapTextAlignment - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Possible alignments of the text
GLMapTextureView - Class in globus.glmap
Helper class to display map in texture view
GLMapTextureView(Context) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTextureView
Creates map view
GLMapTextureView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTextureView
Creates map view
GLMapTextureView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTextureView
Creates map view
GLMapTileSource - Interface in globus.glmap
`GLMapTileSource` is base class for raster and vector tile sources
GLMapTrack - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapTrack is a bridge class, to work with GLMap internal representation of track on map.
GLMapTrack() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTrack
Creates new empty track that will be injected to map
GLMapTrack(int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTrack
Creates new empty track that will draw above map with given draw order
GLMapTrackData - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapTrackData holds data for track
GLMapTrackData(GLMapTrackData.PointsCallback, int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Constructor with callback
GLMapTrackData(List<byte[]>) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Constructor from raw data
GLMapTrackData.PointsCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Callback for filling track data
GLMapTrackLayer - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapTrack is a bridge class, to work with GLMap internal representation of track on map.
GLMapTrackLayer() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackLayer
Creates new track layer that will be injected to map
GLMapTrackLayer(int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackLayer
Creates track layer that will draw above map with given draw order
GLMapTrackLayer.DataCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Callback called to fetch tracks to display
GLMapValue - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapValue is a class that hold string value and optional information to highlight some parts of it.
GLMapValue(String) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapValue
Creates GLMapValue from string
GLMapVectorCascadeStyle - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapVectorCascadeStyle defines appearance of GLMapVectorObject.
GLMapVectorCascadeStyle.TintFunction - Interface in globus.glmap
Tint function for svg files
GLMapVectorLayer - Class in globus.glmap
Drawable with vector objects
GLMapVectorLayer() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorLayer
Creates new empty image that will be injected to map
GLMapVectorLayer(int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorLayer
Creates new empty image with given draw order
GLMapVectorObject - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapVectorObject is a bridge class, to work with GLMap internal representation of vector object.
GLMapVectorObject.Type - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Defines the types of vector objects.
GLMapVectorObjectList - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapVectorObject is a bridge class, to work with GLMap internal representation of array of vector object.
GLMapVectorObjectList() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Constructor of empty list
GLMapVectorStyle - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapVectorStyle defines appearance of text inside GLMapMarkerLayer or GLMapView`.
GLMapVectorTileSource - Class in globus.glmap
Represents a vector tile source that can be used to set layers in a GLMapView.
GLMapVectorTileSource() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorTileSource
Empty constructor.
GLMapView - Class in globus.glmap
GLMapView is a custom SurfaceView that renders and presents vector map
GLMapView(Context) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapView
Creates map view
GLMapView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapView
Creates map view
GLMapView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapView
Creates map view
GLMapViewRenderer - Class in globus.glmap
Renderer of map
GLMapViewRenderer(Context) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Default constructor
GLMapViewRenderer.AnimateCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Callback that is called to automatically create animation
GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
Placement of screen-bound objects
GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapTileState - Annotation Interface in globus.glmap
State of tile
GLMapViewRenderer.ScreenCaptureCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Screen capture callback
GLMapViewRenderer.ScreenCaptureRawCallback - Interface in globus.glmap
Raw screen capture callback
GLNativeObject - Class in globus.glmap
Created by destman on 10/28/16.
GLNativeObject(long) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.GLNativeObject
Default constructor
globus.glmap - package globus.glmap
GLMap package
globus.glroute - package globus.glroute
globus.glsearch - package globus.glsearch
glsearch package
GLRoute - Class in globus.glroute
GLMapRouteData used store route data.
GLRoute.BikeType - Annotation Interface in globus.glroute
Bike type
GLRoute.Mode - Annotation Interface in globus.glroute
Navigation mode
GLRouteBuilder - Class in globus.glroute
GLRouteBuilder used construct custom routes.
GLRouteBuilder() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRouteBuilder
Default constructor
GLRouteElevation - Class in globus.glroute
Class to load height data
GLRouteElevation.ResultsCallback - Interface in globus.glroute
Callback that will be called when request is finished
GLRouteManeuver - Class in globus.glroute
GLMapRouteManeuver holds data for a route maneuver.
GLRouteManeuver.InstructionType - Annotation Interface in globus.glroute
Represents the type of instruction for a maneuver.
GLRouteManeuver.Type - Annotation Interface in globus.glroute
Represents the maneuver type.
GLRoutePoint - Class in globus.glroute
RoutePoint stores information about route point
GLRoutePoint() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Default constructor
GLRoutePoint(double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Constructor with latitude and longutide
GLRoutePoint(MapGeoPoint, double, int) - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Constructor with geo point
GLRoutePoint(GLRoutePoint) - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Copy constructor
GLRoutePoint.Type - Annotation Interface in globus.glroute
Route point types to describe the behavior of navigation waypoints.
GLRouteRequest - Class in globus.glroute
GLMapRouteData used request online or offline route.
GLRouteRequest() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Default constructor
GLRouteRequest(String) - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Constructor with custom json request to valhalla
GLRouteRequest.ResultsCallback - Interface in globus.glroute
Callback that will be called when request is finished
GLRouteTracker - Class in globus.glroute
GLMapRouteTracker tracks user location on route and returns statistics and maneuver info
GLRouteTracker(GLRoute) - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Initializes new tracker
GLRouteTracker(GLRoute[], int) - Constructor for class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Initializes a tracker with array of routes.
GLSearch - Class in globus.glsearch
GLSearchOffline contains a set of parameters that defines search in offline maps
GLSearch() - Constructor for class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Default constructor
GLSearch.AddressStyle - Annotation Interface in globus.glsearch
Style of address
GLSearch.CustomObjectInfoCallback - Interface in globus.glsearch
Callbacks for custom objects
GLSearch.MatchType - Annotation Interface in globus.glsearch
Match type
GLSearch.ResultsCallback - Interface in globus.glsearch
Callback that provides information for custom objects for search.
GLSearch.TagSetMask - Annotation Interface in globus.glsearch
Predefined set of tags
GLSearchCategories - Class in globus.glsearch
GLSearchCategories class holds a set of `GLSearchCategory` that will be used to sort search results by priority.
GLSearchCategory - Class in globus.glsearch
GLSearchCategory holds information about category that can be displayed to user.
GLSearchFilter - Class in globus.glsearch
`GLSearchFilter` class contains a set of parameters that defines filter for `GLSearch`


hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapValue
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
hashCode() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
haveChild(long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Check if this collection contains child
haveObject(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Checks if given marker is added to layer
haveState(int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Checks if any data set in the provided mask has the specified state.
hazmat - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
A value indicating if the truck is carrying hazardous materials.
heading - Variable in class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Heading at point or NaN;
height - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
The height of the vehicle (in meters).
heightAtIndex(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation
Returns height at given point index
Hidden - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement
hitTest(GLMapViewRenderer, float, float, int, int, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Tests if point is inside of image
hitTestBottomText(float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapScaleRuler
Test if point (screenX, screenY) is inside bottom text bbox
HYBRID - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.BikeType


ignoreClosures - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
If set to true, ignores all closures, marked due to live traffic closures, during routing.
Imperial - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings.UnitSystem
Imperial system
IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.State
downloading now
include_hot - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
A boolean value which indicates the desire to include tolled HOV roads which require the driver to pay a toll if the occupant requirement isn't met.
include_hov2 - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
A boolean value which indicates the desire to include HOV roads with a 2-occupant requirement in the route when advantageous.
include_hov3 - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
A boolean value which indicates the desire to include HOV roads with a 3-occupant requirement in the route when advantageous.
indexOf(GLMapVectorObject) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Returns index of object
initFromJson(String) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions
Init object from json string
Initialize(Context) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Call this method before using any other method from `globus.glsearch`
Initialize(Context, String, GLMapManager.ProgressCallback) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Initializes GLMapManager
insert(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPointSet
Inserts new point to set.
insertObject(long, GLMapVectorObject) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Inserts object at index
insertUnique(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPointSet
Inserts new point to set.
International - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings.UnitSystem
International system
intersects(GLMapBBox) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Checks if bbox intersects with other bbox
isClippingEnabled() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Checks if clipping is enabled
isCollection() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Checks if this map is a collection.
isCURLError() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isCURLError(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isDirectory() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
isDirectory() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
isDirectory() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Returns true if this object is a directory
isHidden() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawObject
Checks if the object is hidden.
isHTTPError() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isHTTPError(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isOnRoute() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Returns true if user on route
isRotatesWithMap() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Whether image rotates with the map
isSystemError() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isSystemError(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isValhallaError() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isValhallaError(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isXZError() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check
isXZError(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
For available codes check


lat - Variable in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
lat - Variable in class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Latitude of point.
Left - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapTextAlignment
Left - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Left turn
length - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
The length of the truck (in meters).
Line - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject.Type
Line type
Linear - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Linear transition
lineDistanceToPoint(MapPoint, MapPoint, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Finds nearest point of object to given point and returns line distance to it
listFiles() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
listFiles() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage
listFiles() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
List files in storage
Loaded - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapTileState
Tile data is loaded
LoadMergedRelationLines(GLMapRelation, boolean, GLMapInfo) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Load all lines from relation in one
loadResource(String) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser.ResourceLoadCallback
Loads resource with name
LOCAL - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.AddressStyle
[Street], [House number]
LocalizedAddressNames(GLMapVectorObject, GLMapLocaleSettings) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Returns all address names associated with object
localizedName(GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
localizedName(GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTagsContainer
Returns localized name.
localizedName(GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
localizedName(GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchCategory
Returns name of the category according language priority settings.
lon - Variable in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
lon - Variable in class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Longitude of point.


maneuverPenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
A penalty applied when transitioning between roads that do not have consistent naming–in other words, no road names in common.
map - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
Map of task
MAP - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSet
Display data
MAP - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSetMask
Map mask
MapGeoPoint - Class in globus.glmap
MapGeoPoint stores geo coordinates in WGS84 format.
MapGeoPoint() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Default constructor
MapGeoPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Constructor of point from latitude and longitude
MapGeoPoint(MapGeoPoint) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Copies constructor
MapGeoPoint(MapPoint) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Creates map point from map point
MapObjectNearPoint(GLMapViewRenderer, MapPoint, double) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Returns object near point on map
MapPoint - Class in globus.glmap
MapPoint is used store coordinates in map internal format
MapPoint() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Default constructor
MapPoint(double, double) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Constructor with x and y
MapPoint(MapGeoPoint) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Creates map point from geo coordinates
MapPoint(MapPoint) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Copies constructor
MapPointSet - Class in globus.glmap
MapPointSet handles operations on set of points.
MapPointSet() - Constructor for class globus.glmap.MapPointSet
Default constructor.
MapsAtPoint(MapPoint) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Returns mapID of vector map that contains given point.
mapZoomForBBox(GLMapBBox, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Calculates zoom of map to fit given bbox
markerIsGrouped(Object) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Checks if marker is part of group
MatchedCategoryTags(GLMapVectorObject) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Return array of tags that defines object's category
Max - Static variable in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Maximum valid value of x and y
maxHikingDifficulty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This value indicates the maximum difficulty of hiking trails that is allowed.
merge(GLMapVectorObjectList, List<Object>, GLSearch.CustomObjectInfoCallback) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Merge search results with custom objects
Merge - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Merge maneuver
message - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
Message of error
modify(Object[], Set<Object>, boolean, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Adds or removes markers on layer
Motorcycle() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Motorcycle
Empty constructor
MOTORCYCLE - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
MotorScooter() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.MotorScooter
Empty constructor
MOTORSCOOTER - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
MOUNTAIN - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.BikeType
MULTIMODAL - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
Milt modal


name - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerImage
Name of bitmap.
NAME - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.TagSetMask
Name tags
Nautical - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings.UnitSystem
Nautical system
NAVIGATION - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSet
Navigation data
NAVIGATION - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.DataSetMask
Navigation mask
nearest(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPointSet
Returns nearest point in set
Nearest(double, double, double, List<GLSearchFilter>) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Search for nearest object
NEED_RESUME - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.State
partially downloaded or updated
NEED_UPDATE - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.State
need update
NetworkTask - Class in globus.glmap
Network task that works via curl.
NetworkTask(String) - Constructor for class globus.glmap.NetworkTask
Default constructor
NetworkTask.Callback - Interface in globus.glmap
Callbacks of task
NoData - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapTileState
No data found for tile
None - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
No transition
None - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
No maneuver
NOT_DOWNLOADED - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.State
not downloaded
NotCachedVectorTilesAtBBox(GLMapBBox) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Returns not cached vector tiles that bbox contains or intersects


objectsNearPoint(GLMapViewRenderer, MapPoint, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Searches nearest object or cluster of objects at given mapView Note that GLMapView must be dispalyed on screen to calculate distances.
Off - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable.TransformMode
Transform is disabled
offlineActionOrError(String, String, String, MapGeoPoint) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Start synchronous offline request
offset - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerImage
Offset of image
onBegin() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when new touch started Default implementation does noting
onDownloadProgress(GLMapDownloadTask) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.StateListener
Map downloading progress changed
oneFingerZoomInverse - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Inverse one finger zoom (tap-zoom) gesture direction.
onEnd() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when all touches ended Default implementation rotate map to 0 if current angle is in range 340 ..
onError(long, GLMapError) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.TileDownloadProgress
Error happened while tile downloading
onError(GLMapError) - Method in interface globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation.ResultsCallback
Called when error happened
onError(GLMapError) - Method in interface globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest.ResultsCallback
Called when error happened
onFinishDownloading(GLMapDownloadTask) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.StateListener
Download task is finished
onFinished(boolean) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.MapListUpdateCallback
called when list update finished
onFinished(float) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.ElevationCallback
Called when query is finished
onFinished(GLMapError) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.DownloadCallback
Called when task is finished
onFinished(ByteBuffer, long, GLMapError) - Method in interface globus.glmap.NetworkTask.Callback
Called when task is finished
onFling(float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when fling is detected Default implementation starts deceleration animation
onLongPress(int, float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when long press detected.
onLongPressMove(float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when movement after long press detected
onMove(float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when movement detected Default implementation move map to new center without animation
onPitch(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when pitch gesture is detected.
onProgress(long, long, double) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.DownloadCallback
Periodically called to report progress
onResult(GLRoute) - Method in interface globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest.ResultsCallback
Called when result ready
onResult(GLRouteElevation) - Method in interface globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation.ResultsCallback
Called when result ready
onResults(GLMapVectorObjectList) - Method in interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.ResultsCallback
Called search finished
onRotate(float, float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when rotation is detected Default implementation rotate map with animation if delta is greater than rotation gate.
onRotationReset() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when rotation reset happens
onStartDownloading(GLMapDownloadTask) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.StateListener
Map data set starts downloading
onStateChanged(GLMapInfo, int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.StateListener
Called when map state is changed
onSuccess(long) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.TileDownloadProgress
Tile successfully downloaded
onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
onSurfaceTextureUpdated(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
onTap(int, int, float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when tap detected.
onTouch(View, MotionEvent) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTextureView
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapView
onZoom(float, float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Called when zoom detected
openForReading() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
openForReading() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
openForReading() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Opens the file for reading.
openForWriting(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
openForWriting(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
openForWriting(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Opens the file for writing.
openInputStream() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
openInputStream() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
openInputStream() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Opens an input stream to read from this file.
openOutputStream() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
openOutputStream() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
openOutputStream() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Opens an output stream to write to this file.
order - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings
Order of languages
origin_x - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
X coordinate of the origin of the bounding box
origin_y - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Y coordinate of the origin of the bounding box
originalIndex - Variable in class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Original index of point.
overlayBlend(int, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.SVGRender
Overlay blend function


ParseFromJSON(String) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Creates GLRoute from json String
parseFromResources() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Append data from "Style.mapcss" in resources and finish parsing
parseNextBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Parse next chunk of style
parseNextString(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Parse next chunk of style
Pedestrian() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
Empty constructor
PEDESTRIAN - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
penalties - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
penalties - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
Penalties() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
Empty constructor
point() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Retrieves a point associated with this vector object.
Point - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject.Type
Point type
pointAtLineDistance(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Find point at distance form start
Polygon - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject.Type
Polygon type
postOnMain(Runnable) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Post runnable on main thread
PostTransitConnectionDestination - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Post-transit connection destination
PrepareWords(long, String[]) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Prepares words for collation
privateAccessPenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
A penalty applied when a gate or bollard with access=private is encountered.
progress(double) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapManager.ProgressCallback
Periodically called to report progress


RampLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Ramp to the left
RampRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Ramp to the right
RampStraight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Straight ramp
REGION - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.AddressStyle
[City], [Country]
REGION - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.TagSetMask
Region tags
registerForSQLite(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Register storage as VFS for SQLite
RelationsNearPoint(GLMapViewRenderer, MapPoint, double, GLSearchFilter[]) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Search for relations near point on map
reloadTiles() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Force reloading of all tiles.
remove(long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Removes object at the index
remove(GLMapDrawObject) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Removes a GLMapDrawObject from the map.
removeAllObjects() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Removes all images, image groups, tracks, and marker layers from the map.
REMOVED - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapInfo.State
remove from list
RemoveDataSet(int, String) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Removes vector map from map manager.
removeStateListener(GLMapManager.StateListener) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
/** Removes listener added by addStateListener
removeTextForbiddenArea(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Removes area
render(byte[], SVGRender.Transform) - Static method in class globus.glmap.SVGRender
Renders image from data
render(AssetManager, String, SVGRender.Transform) - Static method in class globus.glmap.SVGRender
Renders image from assetManager and path
renderer - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapTextureView
renderer of map
renderer - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapView
Renderer of map
replace(Object[], GLMapMarkerStyleCollection, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Replace content with new data
replaceWithVectorObjects(GLMapVectorObjectList, GLMapVectorCascadeStyle, GLMapMarkerStyleCollection, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerLayer
Initializes GLMapMarkerLayer with given vector objects and `style`
requestHeightForRoute(GLRoute, GLRouteElevation.ResultsCallback) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation
Requests height for points in route
requestOfflineHeightForRoute(GLRoute, boolean, GLRouteElevation.ResultsCallback) - Static method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteElevation
Requests height for points in route
Right - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapTextAlignment
Right - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Right turn
road - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Auto
Road options
road - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Motorcycle
Road options
road - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
Road options
Road() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
Empty constructor
ROAD - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.BikeType
rotate(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Rotates bbox
RoundaboutEnter - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Enter roundabout
RoundaboutExit - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Exit roundabout
run(GLMapAnimation) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.AnimateCallback
Called to configure animation.


sample(double[]) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Sample track at locations
Screen - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable.TransformMode
Scale and offset is in screen coordinates
screenCaptured(int[], int, int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.ScreenCaptureRawCallback
Called when GLMapView finished rendering map and text to raw data
screenCaptured(Bitmap) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.ScreenCaptureCallback
Called when GLMapView finished rendering map and text to Bitmap
screenScale - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Screen scale
search() - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Performs search synchronously
searchAsync(GLSearch.ResultsCallback) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Starts search.
serializeState(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
Serialize state of data set
serverID - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
Server ID
serviceFactor - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A factor that modifies (multiplies) the cost when generic service roads are encountered.
serviceFactor - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
A factor that modifies (multiplies) the cost when generic service roads are encountered.
servicePenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A penalty applied for transition to generic service road.
servicePenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
A penalty applied for transition to generic service road.
set(MapGeoPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Sets coordinates of point from geo point
set(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint
Sets coordinates of point from map point
setAlternates(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
A number denoting how many alternate routes should be provided.
setAngle(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Sets angle of image.
setAngle(GLMapDrawable, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Sets new angle of drawable
setAttributionPosition(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the position of the map attribution.
setAttributionText(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Sets attribution text.
setAutoWithOptions(CostingOptions.Auto) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to auto
setBackgroundBitmap(Bitmap, Rect) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBalloon
Sets backgroud image of balloon
setBase(GLMapTileSource) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the base tile source.
setBBox(GLMapBBox) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Sets bounding box where search will be performed
setBicycleWithOptions(CostingOptions.Bicycle) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to cycle
setBikeshareWithOptions(CostingOptions.Bicycle) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to bikeshare
setBitmap(Bitmap) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapImage
Sets new image to draw
setBitmap(Bitmap, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapImage
Sets new image to draw
setBottomText(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapScaleRuler
Sets text that will be displayed under scale ruler.
setBusWithOptions(CostingOptions.Auto) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to bus
setCenter(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Sets center of search.
setCenterTileStateChangedCallback(Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Set callback that will be called when center tile state is changed
setClampZoomMask(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Sets mask to clamp zoom levels
setContinueFlyTo(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
If true flyTo animation will be used if new mapCenter is set and previous flyTo animation is not finished yet
setCurrentRoute(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Sets index of current route
setCurrentTargetPointIndex(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Sets index of current target point
setData(GLMapTrackData, GLMapVectorStyle, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrack
Sets new track data
setDataCallback(GLMapMarkerStyleCollectionDataCallback) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Sets dataCallback that will be used by markerLayer to get display information about markers
setDrawElevationLines(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the visibility of elevation lines.
setDrawHillshades(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the visibility of hill shades.
setDrawSlopes(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the visibility of slopes.
setDuration(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Sets duration of animation
setFocusPoint(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Sets focus point of zoom and rotate animations
setFontScale(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the scale of the font used in the map.
setFormFile(String, byte[]) - Method in class globus.glmap.NetworkTask
Changes request to form file post
setFps(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets fps
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class globus.glmap.NetworkTask
Set header of task
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawObject
Sets object hidden
setLanguage(String) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteBuilder
Sets the language for maneuver instructions.
setLastModified(long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
setLastModified(long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
setLastModified(long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Sets the last modified timestamp of the file.
setLimit(int) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Sets maximum number of results to fetch from map
setLocale(String) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets the locale for route instructions.
setLocaleSettings(GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets map locale settings
setLocaleSettings(GLMapLocaleSettings) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Sets locale settings that used to sort results by importance.
setManeuverInstruction(int, String) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteBuilder
Sets a short instruction for the previously added maneuver.
setManeuverTime(double) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteBuilder
Sets the time for the maneuver.
setMapAngle(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets angle of the map.
setMapCenter(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the coordinates of the center point of the map.
setMapDidMoveCallback(Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets callback that will be called after move animation finished
setMapGeoCenter(MapGeoPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the coordinates of the center point of the map.
setMapOrigin(float, float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the origin point of the map coordinate system (X, Y).
setMapPitch(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets pitch of the map.
setMapScale(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Set scale of the map.
setMapZoom(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets zoom level of the map.
setMarkerStyle(long, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Sets style of marker.
setMarkerText(long, String, int, Point, GLMapVectorStyle) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Sets text for marker.
setMatchType(int) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearchFilter
Sets how we should compare query string with values of objects.
setMaxScale(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets maximum scale of the map
setMethod(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.NetworkTask
Set methods
setMotorcycleWithOptions(CostingOptions.Motorcycle) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to motorcycle
setMotorScooterWithOptions(CostingOptions.MotorScooter) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to scooter
setName(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
setName(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
setName(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Sets the name of this file.
setNeedEnclosingAreas(boolean) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Set this value to `YES` if you plan to get address of objects.
setNeedRedraw() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Force redraw
setNeedsUpdate(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroup
Triggers update images in group.
setObjectTag(long, String, String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Sets tag for given object
setObjectTagTruncated(long, String, String, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Truncates value and sets result for given object
setObjectTypes(int) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Set object types
setOffset(int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Image offset from position.
setOffset(GLMapDrawable, short, short) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Sets new offset of drawable
setOnFinish(Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Sets callback that will be called when animation finished
setOpacity(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Sets opacity of layer
setOptimize(boolean) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets whether the order of middle points can be optimized to create a faster route.
setOptions(Map<String, String>, Boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStyleParser
Sets style options Possible options in default style: * Style * City - colored roads, highlights information required in the city * Outdoor - monochrome roads, colored trails * SubStyle * Hike - colored hike trails and routes * Bike - colored cycleways and routes * Car - thick roads, suitable for CarPlay navigation * Theme = Light, Dark
setOverlays(GLMapTileSource[]) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the overlay tile sources.
setOverzoom(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Allows to draw tiles after maximum zoom
setPedestrianWithOptions(CostingOptions.Pedestrian) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to walk
setPlacement(int, int, int, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapScaleRuler
Set style of scale ruler.
setPlaceToCenter(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBalloon
If set to `true` position nearest to center of screen will be selected
setPointData(long, int, int, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Sets data for native point.
setPointDataGeo(long, double, double, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackData
Sets data for native point.
setPosition(GLMapDrawable, MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Set new position of drawable
setPosition(MapPoint) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Sets position of image on map.
setPossiblePositions(double[]) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBalloon
Sets positions where balloon can be displayed
setPostData(byte[]) - Method in class globus.glmap.NetworkTask
Set post data
setProgressColor(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrack
Sets color of track from start to progress index
setProgressEndIndex(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrack
Track from index to end index will change color to progress color.
setProgressIndex(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrack
Track from start to progress index will change color to progress color.
setReferenceAngle(float) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBalloon
Sets reference angle to detect direction of balloon
setRequestID(String) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Name your route request.
setRotatesWithMap(boolean) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Sets whether image rotates with the map.
setSafeArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets the safe area insets for the scale ruler and other map objects.
setScale(double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
Scale of vector object
setScale(GLMapDrawable, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Sets new scale of drawable
SetStorages(Context, Object, Set<Object>) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Sets location of caches before initialization.
setStraightWithOptions(CostingOptions.Straight) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to straight
setStyle(GLMapVectorCascadeStyle) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Sets map style
setStyle(GLMapVectorStyle) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrack
Sets width of track and other parameters
setStyleAndCallback(GLMapVectorStyle, GLMapTrackLayer.DataCallback) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapTrackLayer
Sets new tracks and style
setStyleName(int, String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapMarkerStyleCollection
Sets name for style that can be used from MapCSS
setTaxiWithOptions(CostingOptions.Auto) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to taxi
setText(String, GLMapVectorStyle) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapLabel
Sets new text to draw
setText(String, GLMapVectorStyle, Rect, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapBalloon
Sets new text of balloon
setText(String, GLMapVectorStyle, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapLabel
Sets new text to draw
SetTileDownloadingAllowed(boolean) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Controls whether the GLMapManager is allowed to download individual tiles when downloaded vector maps lack the necessary data.
SetTileRefreshInterval(long) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Sets the tile refresh interval for cached tiles.
setTileRefreshTimeInterval(long) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Cached tile will be refreshed if it will stay in cache more than given time.
setTiles(long[]) - Method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Adds tile hashes to use for search (child tiles will be skipped)
setTileSize(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Sets size of tile in points.
setTintFunction(GLMapVectorCascadeStyle.TintFunction, String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorCascadeStyle
Set custom tint function that will be used while loading svg files
setTransformMode(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapDrawable
If drawable contains vector object and you will use position and scale to transform vector object, then set this to TransformMode.Custom.
setTransition(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapAnimation
Sets transition of animation
setTruckWithOptions(CostingOptions.Truck) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets navigation mode to truck
setUnitSystem(int) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Sets the unit system for route instructions.
setValidZoomMask(int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Defines valid zooms for tile source.
setValueForKey(String, String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
setValueForKey(String, String) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTagsContainer
Sets value for key
setValueForKey(String, String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
setVectorObject(GLMapVectorObject, GLMapVectorCascadeStyle, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorLayer
Sets vector object to draw
setVectorObjects(GLMapVectorObjectList, GLMapVectorCascadeStyle, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorLayer
Sets vector objects to draw
SharpLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Sharp left turn
SharpRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Sharp right turn
Short - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.InstructionType
Short instruction
shortest - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
Changes the metric to quasi-shortest, i.e.
shortest - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Motorcycle
Changes the metric to quasi-shortest, i.e.
shortest - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.MotorScooter
Changes the metric to quasi-shortest, i.e.
shortest - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
Changes the metric to quasi-shortest, i.e.
shortest - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
Changes the metric to quasi-shortest, i.e.
sidewalkFactor - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A factor that modifies the cost when encountering roads with dedicated sidewalks.
size() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Returns size of list
size_x - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
X size of the bounding box
size_y - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox
Y size of the bounding box
SlightLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Slight left turn
SlightRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Slight right turn
SortMaps(GLMapInfo[], MapPoint) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Sorts array of GLMapInfo by distance from given point
speed - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
Speed of data transfer
SplitByWords(String) - Static method in class globus.glsearch.GLSearch
Split string into words using ICU root rules
start(NetworkTask.Callback) - Method in class globus.glmap.NetworkTask
Starts task
Start - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Start maneuver
startAnimation(GLMapAnimation) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Starts the specified animation on the map.
StartLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Start maneuver turning left
startOffline(String, GLRouteRequest.ResultsCallback) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Start offline request
startOnline(GLRouteRequest.ResultsCallback) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteRequest
Start online request
StartRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Start maneuver turning right
StayLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Stay left
StayRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Stay right
StayStraight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Stay straight
stepPenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A penalty in seconds added to each transition onto a path with steps or stairs.
stopDetectingTouches() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapGesturesDetector
Stop detecting touches util all current touches are up
StopDownloadingAll(long) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Stops downloading all submaps associated with the specified parent map.
Straight() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Straight
Empty constructor
STRAIGHT - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
STREET_REGION - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.AddressStyle
Local + Region
Success - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapError
No error
surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder, int, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
surfaceHeight - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Surface height
surfaceRedrawNeeded(SurfaceHolder) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
surfaceRedrawNeededAsync(SurfaceHolder, Runnable) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
surfaceWidth - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer
Surface width
SVGRender - Class in globus.glmap
ImageManager renders images from svg format.
SVGRender.Transform - Interface in globus.glmap
Callbacks to transform SVG data


TAXI - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
THROUGH - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint.Type
A `through` location is a location at which we neither allow u-turns nor generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers.
toArray() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Creates an array of GLMapVectorObject
toJSON() - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRoute
Serialize route to json
tollBoothCost - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
A cost applied when a toll booth is encountered.
tollBoothPenalty - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
A penalty applied to the cost when a toll booth is encountered.
Top - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapTextAlignment
TopCenter - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement
top center
TopLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement
in top left corner
TopRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapPlacement
in top right corner
topSpeed - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.MotorScooter
Top speed the motorized scooter can go.
topSpeed - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
Top speed the vehicle can go.
total - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDownloadTask
Total number of bytes to download
transform(double) - Static method in class globus.glmap.SVGRender
Helper that generates scale transform
transform(double, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.SVGRender
Helper that generates scale and overlay blend transform
transform(int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.SVGRender
Helper that generates overlay blend transform
transformColor(int) - Method in interface globus.glmap.SVGRender.Transform
Transforms color
transformRect(RectF) - Method in interface globus.glmap.SVGRender.Transform
Transforms rect
Transit - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Transit maneuver
TransitConnectionDestination - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Destination of transit connection
TransitConnectionStart - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Start transit connection
TransitConnectionTransfer - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Transfer transit connection
Transition - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.InstructionType
Transition instruction
TransitRemainOn - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Remain on transit
transitStartEndMaxDistance - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A pedestrian option that can be added to the request to extend the defaults (2145 meters or approximately 1.5 miles).
TransitTransfer - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
Transit transfer
transitTransferMaxDistance - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A pedestrian option that can be added to the request to extend the defaults (800 meters or 0.5 miles).
treeUri - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
The URI of the document tree.
Truck() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
Empty constructor
TRUCK - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoute.Mode
truncate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapFileStorage.FileInfo
truncate() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorageFile
Truncates the file to zero length.
truncate(String, int, int) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapValue
Truncates string and add split to lines
type - Variable in class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint
Type of point


Undefined - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapTextAlignment
unitSystem - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapLocaleSettings
Unit system
Unknown - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject.Type
Unknown type
Unknown - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glmap.GLMapViewRenderer.GLMapTileState
Tile is loading, or not displayed
unregisterForSQLite() - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapStorage
Remove storage registration of SQLite
updateDrawAttributes(GLMapVectorCascadeStyle, GLMapLocaleSettings, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Updates draw attributes
updateDrawAttributes(GLMapViewRenderer) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Updates draw attributes
updateDrawAttributes(GLMapViewRenderer, GLMapVectorCascadeStyle) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
Updates draw attributes
updateFinished() - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Call when update finished.
updateLocation(double, double, float) - Method in class globus.glroute.GLRouteTracker
Finds next maneuver and update information about it
UpdateMapList(GLMapManager.MapListUpdateCallback) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Updates map list from server
updatePoint(long, double, double) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObjectList
Sets new location of point
updateStarted() - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapImageGroupCallback
Call when update started.
uri - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage.FileInfo
The URI representing the file in the document tree.
uri - Variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapDocumentTreeStorage
The URI representing the current storage object.
urlForTilePos(int, int, int) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
Gets url of tile.
useFerry - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
This value indicates the willingness to take ferries.
useFerry - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This value indicates the willingness to take ferries.
useFerry - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
This value indicates the willingness to take ferries.
useHighways - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
This value indicates the willingness to take highways.
useHills - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
A cyclist's desire to tackle hills in their routes.
useHills - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.MotorScooter
A rider's desire to tackle hills in their routes.
useHills - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This is a range of values from 0 to 1, where 0 attempts to avoid hills and steep grades even if it means a longer (time and distance) path, while 1 indicates the pedestrian does not fear hills and steeper grades.
useLit - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This value is a range of values from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates indifference towards lit streets, and 1 indicates that unlit streets should be avoided.
useLivingStreets - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
This value indicates the willingness to take living streets.
useLivingStreets - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This value indicates the willingness to take living streets.
useLivingStreets - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
This value indicates the willingness to take living streets.
usePrimary - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.MotorScooter
A rider's propensity to use primary roads.
useRoads - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
A cyclist's propensity to use roads alongside other vehicles.
useTolls - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
This value indicates the willingness to take roads with tolls.
useTracks - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
This value indicates the willingness to take track roads.
useTracks - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Road
This value indicates the willingness to take track roads.
useTrails - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Motorcycle
A rider's desire for adventure in their routes.
UturnLeft - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
U-turn to the left
UturnRight - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.Type
U-turn to the right


valueForKey(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
valueForKey(String) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTagsContainer
Returns value for the key
valueForKey(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
valuesForKey(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRelation
valuesForKey(String) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTagsContainer
Returns values for the key
valuesForKey(String) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorObject
VectorTilesAtBBox(GLMapBBox) - Static method in class globus.glmap.GLMapManager
Returns vector tiles that bbox contains or intersects
vehicle - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Auto
Vehicle options
vehicle - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
Vehicle options
Vehicle() - Constructor for class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
Empty constructor
VerbalPost - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.InstructionType
Verbal post-maneuver instruction
VerbalPre - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.InstructionType
Verbal pre-maneuver instruction
VerbalTransition - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRouteManeuver.InstructionType
Verbal transition instruction
VIA - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint.Type
A `via` location is a location at which we allow u-turns but do not generate legs or arrival/departure maneuvers.


walkingSpeed - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
Walking speed in kilometers per hour.
walkwayFactor - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
A factor that modifies the cost when encountering roads classified as footway (no motorized vehicles allowed), which may be designated footpaths or designated sidewalks along residential roads.
weight - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
The weight of the truck (in metric tons).
width - Variable in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle
The width of the vehicle (in meters).
willAttach(GLMapViewRenderer) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
willAttach(GLMapViewRenderer) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTileSource
Called when layer will be attached to map view
willAttach(GLMapViewRenderer) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorTileSource
Called when the vector tile source is about to be attached to a GLMapViewRenderer.
willDetach(GLMapViewRenderer) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapRasterTileSource
willDetach(GLMapViewRenderer) - Method in interface globus.glmap.GLMapTileSource
Called when layer will be detached from map view
willDetach(GLMapViewRenderer) - Method in class globus.glmap.GLMapVectorTileSource
Called when the vector tile source is about to be detached from a GLMapViewRenderer.
WORD - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.MatchType
Whole word is equal to query
WORD_START - Static variable in annotation interface globus.glsearch.GLSearch.MatchType
Start of the word is equal to query
WorldMapID - Static variable in class globus.glmap.GLMapInfo
ID of world map
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Auto
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Bicycle
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Motorcycle
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.MotorScooter
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Pedestrian
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Penalties
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Straight
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Truck
write(JsonWriter) - Method in class globus.glroute.CostingOptions.Vehicle


x - Variable in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
X value


y - Variable in class globus.glmap.MapPoint
Y value
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