Class CostingOptions.Penalties

Enclosing class:

public static class CostingOptions.Penalties extends CostingOptions
General penalties
  • Field Details

    • maneuverPenalty

      public float maneuverPenalty
      A penalty applied when transitioning between roads that do not have consistent naming–in other words, no road names in common. This penalty can be used to create simpler routes that tend to have fewer maneuvers or narrative guidance instructions. The default maneuver penalty is five seconds.
    • gateCost

      public float gateCost
      A cost applied when a gate with undefined or private access is encountered. This cost is added to the estimated time / elapsed time. The default gate cost is 30 seconds.
    • gatePenalty

      public float gatePenalty
      A penalty applied when a gate with no access information is on the road. The default gate penalty is 300 seconds.
    • countryCrossingCost

      public float countryCrossingCost
      A cost applied when encountering an international border. This cost is added to the estimated and elapsed times. The default cost is 600 seconds.
    • countryCrossingPenalty

      public float countryCrossingPenalty
      A penalty applied for a country crossing. This penalty can be used to create paths that avoid spanning country boundaries. The default penalty is 0.
    • servicePenalty

      public float servicePenalty
      A penalty applied for transition to generic service road. The default penalty is 0 for trucks and 15 for cars, buses, motor scooters and motorcycles.
  • Constructor Details

    • Penalties

      public Penalties()
      Empty constructor
  • Method Details