Package globus.glmap

Class GLMapManager


public class GLMapManager extends Object
GLMapManager is a singleton object that manages offline maps
  • Method Details

    • Initialize

      public static boolean Initialize(@NonNull android.content.Context context, @NonNull String apiKey, @Nullable GLMapManager.ProgressCallback progressCallback)
      Initializes GLMapManager

      During first initialization it copies world map file from app resources to cache directory. Framework uses progressCallback to notify about initialization(copying) progress

      context - Application context
      apiKey - API key of this application
      progressCallback - initialization progress callback
      true if initialized successfully
    • SetStorages

      public static boolean SetStorages(@NonNull android.content.Context context, @Nullable Object writeStorage, @Nullable Set<Object> customStorages)
      Sets location of caches before initialization. By default caches are set to getFilesDir() of context passed to initialize function, or getExternalFilesDir(null) if external storage is mounted.
      context - the Context used to find default map locations
      writeStorage - location to write maps (can be String, or CustomMapStorage)
      customStorages - Array of custom storages to read maps (write path will be automatically added)
      Returns true on success
    • UpdateMapList

      public static void UpdateMapList(@Nullable GLMapManager.MapListUpdateCallback complete)
      Updates map list from server
      complete - runnable, called when map update is complete
    • DownloadDataSet

      @NonNull public static GLMapDownloadTask DownloadDataSet(@NonNull GLMapInfo mapInfo, int dataSet)
      Creates map downloading tasks
      mapInfo - map info object
      dataSet - data set to download
      download task
    • DownloadDataSets

      @NonNull public static List<GLMapDownloadTask> DownloadDataSets(@NonNull GLMapInfo mapInfo, int dataSets)
      Creates map downloading tasks
      mapInfo - map info object
      dataSets - data sets to download
      download task
    • DeleteDataSets

      public static void DeleteDataSets(@NonNull GLMapInfo info, int dataSets)
      Delete data sets associated with this map.
      info - map to delete
      dataSets - data sets to delete
    • DownloadDataSet

      public static long DownloadDataSet(int dataSet, String path, GLMapBBox bbox, GLMapManager.DownloadCallback callback)
      Downloads custom data set
      dataSet - Data set to download
      path - Full path to file where to download data set
      bbox - BBox of data to download
      callback - callbacks for download task
      taskID that can be used to cancel download
    • CancelDownloadTask

      public static void CancelDownloadTask(long taskID)
      Cancel download task by id
      taskID - id of task to cancel
    • removeStateListener

      public static void removeStateListener(@NonNull GLMapManager.StateListener val)
      /** Removes listener added by addStateListener
      val - Listener to remove
      See Also:
    • addStateListener

      public static void addStateListener(@NonNull GLMapManager.StateListener listener)
      Subscribes listener to events about map downloading progress.

      Event name is sent via fieldName
      finished 0 at start, 1 at end of task
      progressDownload sent each time when download progress is changed.

       task.addListener(new FieldListener(){
              public void fieldValueChanged(Object obj, String fieldName, Object newValue){
      listener - that will receive events
      See Also:
    • postOnMain

      public static void postOnMain(@NonNull Runnable runnable)
      Post runnable on main thread
      runnable - runnable to post
    • getMapDownloadTasks

      @NonNull public static List<GLMapDownloadTask> getMapDownloadTasks()
      Retrieves a list of active map download tasks that have been created but not yet finished.
      A List of GLMapDownloadTask instances representing the ongoing download tasks.
    • getDownloadTasks

      @Nullable public static List<GLMapDownloadTask> getDownloadTasks(long mapID, int dataSets)
      Returns download tasks for maps
      mapID - Id of map
      dataSets - data sets of download tasks
      Returns download task for map
    • getDownloadTask

      @Nullable public static GLMapDownloadTask getDownloadTask(long mapID, int dataSet)
      Returns download tasks for maps
      mapID - Id of map
      dataSet - data set of download task
      Returns download task for map
    • StopDownloadingAll

      public static void StopDownloadingAll(long parentID)
      Stops downloading all submaps associated with the specified parent map.
      parentID - The ID of the parent map.
    • GetChildMaps

      @NonNull public static GLMapInfo[] GetChildMaps()
      Retrieves an array of maps, including all submaps associated with them.
      An array of GLMapInfo objects representing maps and their submaps.
    • GetMaps

      @NonNull public static GLMapInfo[] GetMaps()
      Retrieves an array of all available maps.
      An array of GLMapInfo objects representing all maps.
    • GetMapWithID

      @Nullable public static GLMapInfo GetMapWithID(long mapID)
      Retrieves the map information for a specific map by its ID.
      mapID - The ID of the map to retrieve.
      The GLMapInfo object corresponding to the given map ID, or null if no map is found with the specified ID.
    • AddDataSet

      public static boolean AddDataSet(int dataSet, @Nullable GLMapBBox bbox, @NonNull String path, @Nullable android.content.res.AssetManager assetManager, @Nullable GLMapManager.ProgressCallback progressCallback)
      Adds vector map. Could be used for maps embed into the app resources.
      dataSet - Type of data set
      bbox - optional bbox of data set
      path - path for custom data set
      assetManager - if not `null` will extract file from assets and cache it
      progressCallback - callback to track progress of caching
      true if success
    • RemoveDataSet

      public static void RemoveDataSet(int dataSet, @NonNull String fileName)
      Removes vector map from map manager. When removed it is safe to delete cached map file.
      dataSet - Type of data set
      fileName - name of custom map
    • MapsAtPoint

      @Nullable public static GLMapInfo[] MapsAtPoint(@NonNull MapPoint point)
      Returns mapID of vector map that contains given point. If there is no maps that contain given point null is returned.
      point - point that vector map must contain
      mapID of vector map or null
    • FindNearestMap

      @NonNull public static GLMapInfo FindNearestMap(@NonNull GLMapInfo[] maps, @NonNull MapPoint point)
      Helper function iterates over maps param and returns closest GLMapInfo to the given point.
      maps - array of map objects
      point - point that vector map must contain
      mapID of vector map
    • SortMaps

      public static void SortMaps(@NonNull GLMapInfo[] maps, @NonNull MapPoint point)
      Sorts array of GLMapInfo by distance from given point
      maps - array of map objects
      point - center from where distance is calculated
    • SetTileDownloadingAllowed

      public static void SetTileDownloadingAllowed(boolean val)
      Controls whether the GLMapManager is allowed to download individual tiles when downloaded vector maps lack the necessary data.
      val - true to enable tile downloading, false to disable it.
    • GetTileDownloadingAllowed

      public static boolean GetTileDownloadingAllowed()
      Indicates whether tile downloading is currently allowed.
      true if tile downloading is enabled, false otherwise.
    • SetTileRefreshInterval

      public static void SetTileRefreshInterval(long interval)
      Sets the tile refresh interval for cached tiles. Default: 30 days or 2,592,000 seconds. If the interval is negative, tiles won't be refreshed. Note: Tiles will continue to operate offline even after the refresh interval has passed, although the framework will attempt to download them.
      interval - Refresh interval in seconds.
    • GetTileRefreshInterval

      public static long GetTileRefreshInterval()
      Retrieves the current refresh interval for cached tiles. A returned value indicates the number of seconds between tile refreshes. A negative value indicates that tiles won't be refreshed. Note: Tiles will continue to operate offline even after the refresh interval has passed, although the framework will attempt to download them.
      The tile refresh interval in seconds.
    • VectorTilesAtBBox

      public static long[] VectorTilesAtBBox(@NonNull GLMapBBox bbox)
      Returns vector tiles that bbox contains or intersects
      bbox - bbox of area
      vector tiles that bbox contains or intersects
    • NotCachedVectorTilesAtBBox

      public static long[] NotCachedVectorTilesAtBBox(@NonNull GLMapBBox bbox)
      Returns not cached vector tiles that bbox contains or intersects
      bbox - bbox of area
      not cached vector tiles that bbox contains or intersects
    • CacheTiles

      @Deprecated public static void CacheTiles(@NonNull long[] tiles, @Nullable GLMapManager.TileDownloadProgress progress)
      Checks if the specified tiles are cached. If any tiles are missing, they will be downloaded.

      Deprecated: To fetch data for a given bounding box, use DownloadDataSet(globus.glmap.GLMapInfo, int) and AddDataSet(int, globus.glmap.GLMapBBox, java.lang.String, android.content.res.AssetManager, globus.glmap.GLMapManager.ProgressCallback) instead.

      tiles - An array of tile identifiers to check.
      progress - A callback that is invoked each time a tile is checked.
    • GetDownloadedMapsCount

      public static int GetDownloadedMapsCount()
      Retrieves the number of maps that have any downloaded data.
      The number of maps with downloaded data.
    • ElevationAtPoint

      public static float ElevationAtPoint(double lat, double lon)
      Returns elevation at given point
      lat - latitude of point
      lon - longitude of point
      elevation at point in meters or NaN if no downloaded data for this point
    • ElevationAtPointAsync

      public static void ElevationAtPointAsync(double lat, double lon, @NonNull GLMapManager.ElevationCallback callback)
      Asynchronous request of elevation
      lat - latitude of point
      lon - longitude of point
      callback - callback that will be called on completion