Serialized Form

  • Package globus.glmap

    • Class globus.glmap.GLMapBBox

      class GLMapBBox extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • origin_x
          double origin_x
          X coordinate of the origin of the bounding box
        • origin_y
          double origin_y
          Y coordinate of the origin of the bounding box
        • size_x
          double size_x
          X size of the bounding box
        • size_y
          double size_y
          Y size of the bounding box
    • Class globus.glmap.MapGeoPoint

      class MapGeoPoint extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • lat
          double lat
        • lon
          double lon
    • Class globus.glmap.MapPoint

      class MapPoint extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • x
          double x
          X value
        • y
          double y
          Y value
  • Package globus.glroute

    • Class globus.glroute.GLRoutePoint

      class GLRoutePoint extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • heading
          double heading
          Heading at point or NaN;
        • lat
          double lat
          Latitude of point. Valid values are in range [-90, +90]
        • lon
          double lon
          Longitude of point. Valid values are in range [-180, +180]
        • originalIndex
          int originalIndex
          Original index of point. Useful after route optimization
        • type
          int type
          Type of point